Monday, June 29, 2015

FINALLY We Have A "GO" For Launch On Tuesday, June 30th

After several false starts - and a lot of unexpected twists and turns - the pieces are finally in place and the launch of NightDrive Eyewear will take place tomorrow.

Formal launch will be Tuesday, June 30th at 7 AM - EDT.

We have an "Early Bird Special" that is a special price below the regular Campaign price - and further below MSRP.  We have allotted more units than we did for our o4s Campaign - but they won't last forever.  When they're gone - they're gone.  If you snooze - you will lose.

I've worked hard on this product and project - and I am proud of them.  Differentiating something already in existence is not always easy.  But I have come up with an innovative approach to the serious problem of night driving vision.  Simply put, NightDrive works - and deserves your support.

You can connect directly to our Project Page on IndieGoGo (IGG) by going to

Check this out.   Seeing Is Believing - and NightDrive OWNS The Night.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Watch My Kickstarter Just Became Watch My IndieGoGo

Sometimes life throws unexpected curveballs.  And I seem to have had more than my share of them lately.

Late last week when I submitted my new Project for NightDrive Eyewear to Kickstarter for their necessary approval, I was informed my Project had been "declined" - and was given no reason.  When I respectfully inquired "why" this had happened, I was promptly told I was now being banned from being able to create any future Kickstarter projects.

There is no doubt my lawsuit against my EX "best friend and partner" is behind all of this.  Whether he had a direct hand in this or not, time will tell.

Meanwhile, I have no choice but to switch the NightDrive Eyewear Crowdfunding Campaign to the other major crowdfunding platform - IndieGoGo (IGG).   They have been extraordinarily kind and helpful in assisting me in making the switch on such short notice.

And so, NightDrive will launch on IndieGoGo - - on Monday, June 29th at 7 AM - EDT.   Simply go to the website and in the search box, type-in "NightDrive" - and you will be taken to my Product Page.

As I did with my Orion4Sight Campaign, there will be an "Early Bird Special" where you can get a reduced price from the regular price of the Campaign.  But this is first come - first served.  And when they're gone - they're gone.

If you are in any way considering a purchase for yourself - or family or friends - there are two reasons to do it on Monday,  The first, of course, is the Early Bird Special.  But the second is because your purchase on the first day will help me more than on any other day.  If you are reading this, you are probably here to learn.  And Crowdfunding platforms reward early orders with better positioning on their website as determined by their algorithms.  They make money when you do.  So if you are inclined to support me, please do it on Monday, June 29th.

And there is one other thing you can do to help me that many of my supporters in the Amazon selling community are doing - and that is to post my Facebook product page URL on your Facebook Timeline.  There it will be seen - and may be seen by some friend of yours who is exactly who this product is intended to help.  And you could feel good about that.  That link is -

Thank you for your understanding and indulgence - and I hope to see you as one of my NightDrive Eyewear supporters.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Unfortunately, We Have To Delay Our Launch of NightDrive Again

Those of you who are in the business of selling products on Amazon and the Internet KNOW how frustrating it can sometimes be when certain pieces of your puzzle don't fall into place as you expected.

Sadly, we have hit yet another road block as we draw close to our launch for NightDrive. 
We are on the 5 yard line - but not quite ready to score just yet.

So, there will be no launch tomorrow, Monday, June 22nd.   We apologize.

But there is no doubt we will get there - and soon.

In the meantime, if you haven't gone to www, to support us in that effort - and are willing to do so - please read my most immediate previous post - and follow those instructions on how to interact with Headtalker.   That would be greatly appreciated.

Stay tuned.

Friday, June 12, 2015

This Is HOW You Crowdspeak (HeadTalker) For NightDrive!


Supporting NightDrive on Headtalker is easy to do.

1)   Go to:

2)   At the top their Home Page, click on "Explore Headtalkers"

3)   Pick a Category and click.  You can find NightDrive in both the "Crowdfunding" and "Technology" categories.

4)   Review the Projects until you see NightDrive - and click on it's avatar/image.

5)   Click on the buttons for those Social Media communities to which you belong - Facebook and Twitter being perhaps the most useful.

6)   Click on the button that says "add support" - and you have done it.   Totally Simple.

7)   NOW if you would, PLEASE ask at least one (more would be better) of your friends - who has a lot of contacts - to do the same.  That would be greatly appreciated.

Also, please remember to post our FB page - - to your personal FB Timeline - and invite your friends to learn more about NightDrive.   This too can be very effective in spreading the word.

Thanking you in advance for your NightDrive support.   Let's watch the process of Crowdspeaking at work.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

NightDrive Launch On Kickstarter Has Been Delayed

The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry - or so thought John Steinbeck as he named his novel.

A matter of timing and procedure has made it necessary to set back the NightDrive launch by one week.  Launch will now take place on Monday, June 22nd at 7 AM - EDT.

There is now just less than two weeks to go - and lots will begin to happen with our HeadTalker initiative.  I hope you will be among those who will participate.  It will be interesting to see what kind of leverage we can achieve together.

Watch this space.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Teaching An Old Dog New Tricks

The focus of this exercise has been to find and use new tools and tactics to LEVERAGE the idea of Crowdspeaking as a means to bring attention (and hopefully customers too) to your product.

When the time comes to do my HeadTalker "blast" to the friends of those of you who agree to participate, the recipients of the "blast" will receive a short email.  As I've said before, that is a "numbers game",  But I have also discussed more personal approaches.  I am also asking that you will be reaching out personally to 5-10 "influencers" you know - and ask them to participate and replicate.

But my friend, Jeannie Clark, showed me a new one.  It is so simple and basic (yet dramatically effective), I am ashamed I didn't think to ask it of those of you following this Blog.  However, now I will.

You can simply post the link for my FB product page on your personal timeline. 

It will make it easy and dramatic for your FB friends to see it - and perhaps stir their interest.  Certainly some of your Amazon selling community friends will see it and may already know about it - but other friends will see it too.   In short order, a number of Jeannie's friends saw it - and expressed interest because like many, they too experience night driving vision issues.  These were not people who know me - so these were new "exposures" to NightDrive.   AND they were coming with the tacit endorsement of a valued friend.  That sounds like a "twofer" to me.

So I am asking you to post the link to my FB product page on your timeline.  See what happens.   Think of how your friends could help your product by doing this for you.

Stay tuned,

Monday, June 1, 2015

The Sum Of The Parts

If you have not yet read the previous posts - perhaps because you are just joining this Blog - I would ask that you do it now.  It will make what follows even clearer.

So far, there have been Four posts about what I am attempting to do with putting Crowdspeaking on steroids.  This is here for you to watch - but I also hope - to actively participate.  I won't know - and YOU won't know - if this is something that can work and make a difference for me unless you agree to help..  But if it can work for me, then it can for you too - and it is NOT limited to promoting a Kickstarter Campaign like I am doing.  I'm guessing your wheels are already turning as you think of how this Crowdspeaking tool can be combined with your own tactical approach to gain new ground for YOUR product.

So here is the "Sum of the Parts" I have outlined so far.

  1. Crowdspeaking lets you leverage your social network by "blasting" a specific message to the friends of your friends.simultaneously.  It directs their friends to a URL where they can learn about the subject of the exercise.  (In this case, a new product available on Kickstarter.)  You ask your circle of friends to help you by participating.  That is what I am asking of you.
  2. Most Crowdspeaking efforts stop there.  I want to put it on steroids.  All of you know 5-10 people who are "influencers".  In addition to making your "circle of friends" available as in #1 above, I am asking you to personally reach out to your 5-10 key "influencers" and ask them to #1 - PARTICIPATE by doing exactly what you did with your social media friends - and then to #2 - REPLICATE what you did by personally contacting 5-10 of their most influential friends - and then so on.  Done seriously and well, this could have a HUGE reach.
  3. This "outreach" also needs a parallel track to be most effective.  Spreading the word by classic Crowdspeaking is a "numbers game".  It is not focused on personal knowledge of interest or need.  That too is needed to reach people for whom the product in question may be most relevant and useful.   To do that, I need you to also reach out to 5-10 people for whom you know my product - NightDrive Eyewear - would be something they need and would use.  If their need is genuine, then you will be doing them an important favor.  We will be telling you how to send these friends most directly to our Kickstarter Campaign when the "link" and exact detals are known.
  4. My product - NightDrive Eyewear - is described in more detail in the most immediate previous post, but here are highlights.  It takes two leading schools of thought about improving night driving vision - and combines them into a single product that makes it possible to evaluate and customize an individual's night driving vision acuity.  In the process, we also discovered a third option that works very well.  No longer is there any need to lug around multiple pairs of eyewear - and buy more than one pair to find the solution that works best for YOU.  Everyone's eyes are different - and what works for one may not for another,  The GOAL here is improved night driving vision leading to improved night driving safety.
A coming step will be to tell you "how" to go on - and submit your list of FB and Twitter friends.  And, in turn, you will be able to give that information to your 5-10 influencers.

Meanwhile, it would be appreciated if you would go to our FB page and give it a "like".  This will make it easier for us to fully communicate with you and others as we now enter the Homecoming Stretch of being exactly two weeks out from Kickstarter launch.

Stay Tuned.